

All questions about cooperation, suggestions, complaints and so on send to [email protected]   



 Now all donations have moved to boosty, the platform is similar to patreon, below is the whole description

Under the numbers 1 and 2, simple subscriptions if suddenly someone wanted to support me

Under the number three is a big donation.

Under the number 4 one-time goals, for activating various modes, the description is below

At number five, you can write me a message, ask for any request, you can first check if I can do it, and then donate in the chat (For a regular request, it is not necessary to have a paid subscription)

You can request:

Standart Request = 1$/1€  (Standart Request this is 1 album, mixtape, multi-single or Re-Up’s (Applies to albums available on the site since August 2018, those that were even earlier can also be restored, but they must be on streaming) , the main thing is to check what is on the stream platforms, because no one throws links sloths, in rare cases, a miss is possible, because. there are regional blocs) (Better ask in private message on boosty)

Grinder = 10$/10€ (You can order 25 singles you are interested in (send me in a message a link to a text file pre-uploaded to the file sharing service) Also add a few spare singles in case I don’t have any) (Better ask in private message on boosty)

Do not worry, this is for enthusiasts or sponsors, a collective collection is also possible, I will write how much is collected and left)

Super Mode (30 days) = 350$/€   (Hiphopa.net will disable absolutely all ads for everyone for 30 days)

Hyper Mode (30 days) = 350$/€   (All new published links will be clean and immediately to the file hosting)

SuperHyper Mode (30 days) = 600$/€  (All at once for 30 days)

Track your favorite artist = 100$/€ (I will publish everything that appears on streaming)

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  1. Anyone know how long it usually takes requests to get posted?

  2. Yung Scar posted a link to your site on his FB page

  3. Can u repost MoorVision: Bompton had a dream pls

  4. Hi,

    adshrink dont work. He dont open the page.

    Not Good at all now. Before that was better with other link page.

    Thank your for your work, your website is Great

  5. Smokeroom211

    Hy, first of all this is the dopest site on the net.

    But since you changed to adshrink I cant download anymore.

    Ive disabled adblocker etc like always but it wont let me download anything. It always says I gotta disable adblocker 🙁


  6. Same issue as the others, cant get anything to work since the adshrink change. Ive tried numerous things but everytime I get nowhere

  7. Alright, after trying some more. I still got nothing. Its the last step it. I clicked the first thing and it either doesnt connect or resets to make me do it all over again.


    Was fun while it lasted. Ill check back in a few months and see if the way its done is changed.

  8. Can you post the new album of

    Monsieur Nov – love therapy

    Cupidon – le calme avant la tempête


  9. Hello. ADshrink ne marche pas, impossible de telecharger un album depuis plus d’un mois frero

  10. Prof_elemental

    How does this site work? I have disable my adblocker and tried multiple ways to get in, but nothing seems to work. Why post up so much amazing music if no one can download it? Can anyone give me any tips? Thanks so much

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